

One of our goals at SitDoggie is to make your trips as convenient and seamless as possible. At the end of your first experience, if you are completely satisfied with the service we provide, we can enroll you in our key retention / lock out service program to make future trips easier and more expedient.

When Sit Doggie takes possession of your keys, they are coded so that the keys cannot be matched to your personal information. During your sit, one key is in possession of the sitter (for entry purposes) and the other key is secured in a lockbox at our home (for emergencies).

This will eliminate the need for us to pick up and drop off/mail your keys after every visit as well as being locked out of your home in the event you lost or forgot your keys. There is a service charge if we need to deliver your keys. If you wish to start this service, or discontinue this service we will promptly follow your wishes.

We hope this service will provide you with a benefit that will make taking trips that much easier.